||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Switch Configuration ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
====================================================================================== 1. sysname ----------- Your Switch Name 2. vlan batch ------ Your Vlan XXX,XXX create a VLAN) 3. stp mode rstp ----- Change Your STP Mode 4. telnet server enable Stelnet server enable 5. telnet server port -- If You want to change Your Telnet Port 23 to other Port 6. user-interface con 0 authentication-mode ? ----- As Your Need 7. user-interface vty 0 4 ,16 20 authentication-mode aaa protocol inbound all 8. aaa 9. local-user Username password irreversible-cipher Password ( Add New User ) local-user Username privilege level 15 local-user Username service-type terminal http 10. interface Vlanif Management Vlan ip address 192.168.X.X 11. ip route-static 192.168.X.X 12. interface GigabitEthernet0/0/X ( Your Port Number ) description Down Link port link-type access port default vlan 9XX port-isolate enable group 1 13. interface GigabitEthernet0/0/12 description INPUT port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 91X 11XX